Friday, June 26, 2015

Om- the innermost voice of soul

I do not mean to offend the religious or non-religious people by writing this article but I simply believe in verbalizing my personal experiences to convey a positive message. It is a very simple but effective experience that can actually change the way you look at life. Though "OM" is considered to be a holy word that connects you to the infinite god but at the vibratory level "Om" is scientifically considered to be a set of vibrations that can accommodate all the sound frequencies of the universe. To experience the "Om" within you, you simply need to follow these steps:

1) Sit in the "Dhyaan Mudra"- the yoga posture shown in the image by making a ring with the index finger and thumb.
2) Slowly inhale a deep breath and hold it to the full capacity of your lungs.
3) Then keeping your mouth closed, exhale through your nostrils and hum like a bee along with your exhaling breath.

This technique is a combination of breath and sound (called "Swaas" and "Dhwani" in Sanskrit). If you repeat steps 2 and 3 for some time, you'll realize that the voice of "OM" starts resonating within you and people sitting near you can also hear it. This technique is not only a powerful spiritual tool to connect with the all-pervading God but practically too, it is an extremely effective stress-buster to mentally detoxify you of all the anxieties and negative emotions. Try it :)

High speed stability

Actually, this topic can be easily understood by those who practice transcendental meditation. I got inspired to pen down this brief and effective piece of write-up after watching a science fiction. There is no rocket science required to understand this concept not the in-depth knowledge of quantum physics or astrophysics.

It is simply the expression of insignificant existence of human being on planet earth that we do not even feel the rotation of earth, the surface of which we're living on. Whenever we're sitting, standing or lie down in a stationary position, only we think that we are stable. We'll be shocked to know the speed at which the earth rotates and we move equally with the speed without realizing that we're actually moving.

It's not that we can never experience the rotation of earth by living right here and we need an extra-terrestrial trip to the outer space to literally see it moving. Transcendental meditation is a technique that can actually help you enjoy this beautiful experience. Not only u can feel the rotation of earth, you can also listen to the celestial music created by this movement. This music is called the "Anaahad Naad" in religious terminology in both Sikhism and Hinduism.

Still don't believe me ?? Try it ;)

Sunday, June 7, 2015

Science behind Religion & Magic

The purpose behind writing this article is to focus on the flow of energy in both religion and magic. Though it may be stated for the clarity of the readers that both these phenomenons are prevalent in the society since ages as they are considered a tool to connect with the supernatural. Both of them consist of a set of rituals and practices and are a part of social customs in various parts of the world.

Though it is worth mentioning here that both of these cannot coexist at the social level as there are areas in India itself where magic is considered to be a taboo. Even in some developed countries, religious practices and rituals are also considered to be regressive and are also tabooed. But I personally believe that religion is much more convenient to follow and much more favorable and benevolent for the society in general.

Concentrating solely on the flow of energy, it cannot be denied that religion teaches one to be selfless and benevolent and hence at the vibratory level, it creates huge amount of positivity and connects one to GOD, the infinite soul or the all-pervading Cosmic energy. But on the other hand magic is done for selfish, ulterior motives and is executed by borrowing a small chunk of energy from the cosmos and loading it with the occult powers, which have the scope of getting misguided or misdirected and hence disconnecting the practitioner from God, the infinite soul. Though, religion also has confirmed about the presence of occult powers e.g. in sikhism "Sidh Ghosht" written by Guru Nanak talks about various "siddhis" or occult powers, but a truly religious person is considered to be the one who even discards these powers to live a simple and a humble life. This is the beauty of religion.