Unless we do not understand what exactly heaven is, we try and judge it on our religious parameters. People who do not believe in the "other world" and aren't much spiritual in their outlook believe that heaven and hell is right here in "this world" sometimes look at it as an ideal society to live in. Their religious affiliations effect their conditioning of mind and hence their perceptions of heaven and hell. Though this topic is more social,political and religious but still I want to keep it in the spiritual category because it is the unsaid truth of many people's lives, somewhere buried in their sub-conscious minds.
Though the perception of an ideal society varies from religion to religion but people also idealize personalities resembling their prophets as perfect and flawless personalities who are actually divine beings and their calling and teachings need not be questioned in any way especially if you are living in a conservative country like India or some middle eastern country. Questioning or critically analyzing a prophet's personality will be directly accounted as blasphemy and hence the offender is most likely to get vulnerable to the public outrage or political/ religious harassment.
I have touched the topic of social or political vision of different religions before, but I would like to specify again here with some prominent examples.
Hinduism Ram Rajya
Sikhism Khalistan
Islam Dar-ul-Islam
Christianity Kingdom of God
Though there won't be any mention of these socio-political visions of various religions in their leading holy scriptures but there are secondary religious texts which somehow motivate people to define a particular code of conduct and hence making guidelines for a peculiar way of life which ultimately effects the conditioning of their sub-conscious minds in a particular way. This ultimately effects their ability to imagine differently and hence their creative skills find a different channel to walk upon e.g. the mainstream scripture of Sikhism is Guru Granth Sahib which is revered as the living guru of sikhs but it doesn't contain guidelines and instructions regarding the code of conduct or way of life which is specified in the "Rehatnama". Hence, a sikh following the "Rehatnama" and living according to it is bound to condition his sub-conscious mind in a certain way with every word he speaks, reads or every action he does in pursuing his/ her religion which effects his dreams, visions and innermost feelings and desires. Similarly, in the case of Islam, "Holy Quran" is the leading scripture but the code of conduct is specified in "Hadis" and hence it effects the state of mind of a Muslim who ardently follows the "Hadis".
Hence, it comes down to realizing that different ways of lives and different living conditions end up in different visions, perceptions of heaven.
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